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Community Change Action calls for patience as elections officials count votes

  • Press Release
  • Inclusive Democracy
  • Voter Engagement

Democracy works when we count every vote

Community Change Action calls for patience as elections officials count votes

WASHINGTON, D.C. -Now, we wait. After turning out in record numbers to cast our votes for a progressive vision of America , we do not yet know the outcome of the presidential election. But in order to preserve and stand up for our democracy, we must be patient as we give elections officials around the country the adequate time they need to count every vote and get it right.We believe that Biden and Harris are on the path to win based on the votes that are coming in and being counted. Donald Trump can tweet his latest foolishness of the day; but we, the voters, elect our president, not a cheater and a liar.

It’s clear from this election – and the last four years – that a multi-racial coalition of voters is realigning the American electorate. More than 70 million votes have been counted so far cast by voters demanding a vision for our country that addresses deep racial inequalities, ends anti-immigrant policy and politics, provides all of us with access to doctors and medicine, and supports universal child care.

Now we must ensure that every one of their votes is counted.

Community Change Action was at the forefront of organizing these voters, engaging more than 13 million Black, Latinx and other people of color, women and young people. Our $40 million program engaged a wide swath of communities across 20 states – including Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, Ohio, and Wisconsin – in partnership with dozens of local organizations. 

Community Change Action President Lorella Praeli and Community Change Action Vice President Dorian Warren said in a statement: 

“As we wait, we see that a record-setting number of voters, led by movements and organizing, turned out for a progressive vision for America – one where our government cares for all of us, no matter our race, religion, or origin – one in which we build an economy where we all can thrive. We must count every vote despite the undemocratic antics of Trump and his GOP to suppress our votes. Community Change Action will keep fighting so we can achieve this vision together.”


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