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Community Change Action Launches Child Care Report Card Ahead of 2024 Elections

  • Press Release
  • Child Care

For Immediate Release:

For immediate release 

Contact: Domenica Ghanem,


Community Change Action Launches Child Care Report Card Ahead of 2024 Elections

With child care as a top voter issue, passing and failing grades have fallen largely along party lines


(Nationwide) – On July 10, 2024, Community Change Action announced the release of a Child Care Report Card that grades Members of Congress on their support for child care initiatives. They will disseminate the report card to their list of child care providers, parents, and other child care voters over the next few months to inform voters, ahead of the upcoming Republican and Democratic conventions, August recess, and the 2024 elections.

So far, our 2024 Child Care Report Card shows those with passing grades and those with failing grades largely fall along party lines:

  • In the House, 99.5 % of Democratic Representatives received passing grades, compared to just 2.25 % of Republican Representatives.
  • In the Senate, 98.04 % of Democratic Senators received passing grades, compared to just 6.12 % of Republican Senators. 
  • In the House and Senate respectively, 96.85% and 93.88% of Republican Members of Congress received failing grades.  

“As we approach the upcoming elections, the economy is top of everyone’s minds, and our childcare crisis and what it’s costing providers and families will be a deciding factor in how people vote in 2024,” Community Change Action National Political Director Grecia Lima said. “Childcare voters deserve to know who will support their families and their livelihoods and they should have the tools they need to make informed decisions about who will best ensure they, their children, and their businesses are taken care of. So we made it easy for them to find the information they’re looking for in order to make an empowered choice this fall.”

There are still opportunities for Members of Congress to co-sponsor bills to address our childcare system, and Community Change Action will be evaluating them until August, when our grades will be final.  In the meantime, Community Change Action Childcare Changemakers will continue to engage their elected leaders and candidates on how they can better support child care. To assess support by Members of Congress toward our child care vision, this report card examines action and leadership on a combination of bills, letters, and votes that can be found here.

Community Change Action’s 2024 political voter program plans to hold 2 million conversations with voters across the country in targeted states and races — a reach modeling the scale of the margin of victory in the last few cycles. 

Community Change and Community Change Action boast the largest network of parents and providers in the country — we have 71,000 providers and parents on our list, giving us unique access to the sentiments of a large voting base and the needs of this section of the electorate.


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