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Michigan Voters Rebuke Fear Mongering And Politics of Hate From President and White Supremacist Militias

  • Press Release
  • Inclusive Democracy
  • Voter Engagement

Michigan Voters Rebuke Fear Mongering And Politics of Hate From President and White Supremacist Militias

On Thursday, Oct. 8, FBI officials revealed a militia’s plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer ahead of the presidential election. Michigan’s Attorney General Dana Nessel also revealed other plots to attack the state Capitol building in Lansing and law enforcement. 

In response, Michigan People’s Campaign executive director Ryan Bates said:

“These terrifying revelations are the result of what happens when the President of the United States emboldens the most extreme elements of our society. When gun-toting white supremacist militias stormed our Capitol this summer in defiance of a plan set in place to keep the most vulnerable of us in Michigan safe from the coronavirus, Trump called on them to ‘Liberate Michigan.’ Just last week, in a televised national debate, he called on a white nationalist group to ‘stand by.’ 

“These are the politics of hate that he represents, and that we are going to overcome in Michigan. Black, brown, white, immigrant, low-income, mothers, fathers, the formerly incarcerated — all of our families — are coming together this election season to denounce the racism, brutality and economic injustice that has plagued us for far too long. We are all standing together against fear mongering and voter suppression in all of its forms.”

Community Change Action electoral director Grecia Lima said:

“This was not just a plot to attack one person — this was a plot to attack our very democracy and to try to instill fear in people of color. There is a multi-racial coalition of voters who are turning out this election to rebuke the politics of hate and we will not be stopped. Donald Trump has fueled the fire of these attacks across our country. But there is a stronger movement led by Black and Brown people, immigrants, and women and supported by Americans of all walks of life for racial justice, a caring economy and a healthy democracy.”



Michigan People’s Campaign organizes to build the power our communities need to win the justice they deserve.

Community Change Action is a national social justice organization committed to building power for low-income communities, especially communities of color, through political engagement.

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