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Child Care & Health Equity

Child care is a bedrock of our economy and essential for all of our families, yet our current system fails parents, providers, and children.

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Childcare Changemakers hold national calls. You're invited.

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3rd Annual Day Without Childcare

Catch up on our Day Without Child Care

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70% of Voters in New Mexico

Voted to make child care a right in the state constitution in November 2022.

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It's time to build a 21st century childcare system.

A system that values child care providers and supports sustainable careers in early care and education.

A system where families can find open, affordable options when they need it and where parents, particularly Black and brown mothers, can pursue their own careers.

A system where happy children learn and grow in healthful, culturally appropriate, and responsive child care settings.

A system defined by inclusive quality standards that are rooted in parents’ goals for their child’s bright future.

Our vision is possible. 

Community Change Action is building the movement for child care justice alongside parents, providers, and grassroots partner organizations. When we speak out together, we can win big–from $50 billion in COVID-19 relief funding to an executive order supporting affordable care and quality jobs for care workers. 

Together, our voices will rise, and together, we will win the child care system we all deserve.

Case Studies

Our care system is in crisis, but our care movement is stronger than ever.

Childcare Changemakers

A community powered by parents, providers, and advocates fighting for justice.

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New Mexico’s Child Care Victory

OLE New Mexico delivered an unprecedented victory for child care, and created a blueprint for the nation.

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Day Without Childcare

When thousands of child care providers, parents, and allies take action.

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Childcare Changemakers rally for living wages for child care providers.
Childcare Changemakers meeting with legislators in Austin, Texas.

Fuel the Movement

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Community Change Action Director of Black Led Organizing Seft Hunter at a Spaces in Action Day Without Childcare Event.

ChangeWire Story

‘Clarissa’s Battle’ Defies the Typical Hero Story Trope of Doing It All on Your Own

We talk with Clarissa Doutherd about the film that celebrates a decade-long fight and win for child care justice in Alameda County.

Read on Changewire


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Annual Report
Annual Report

2020 Annual Report: Rising With Resilience

We protested. We organized. We voted.