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Narrative Change

Our power has always been in our ability to share our experiences, tell our stories, and shift the conversation.

Our Stories, Our Power

We work to strengthen our voices so that our lived experiences are heard.

Ideas from the Ground Up

Our research starts with deep listening to ground narratives.

Truth to Power

We ensure that elected officials and members of the press hear our voices.

Narratives help us make meaning out of complexity,

And a collection of stories reinforcing a common value can create a narrative that informs our sense of reality. Over time, narratives become their own common sense — an accepted logic to understand what is possible and preferable.  Historically, those with the most power in society disproportionately influence these narratives and Community Change & Community Change Action works empower the stories and voices of those traditionally left out.

Democracy & People Power

What does strong messaging look like?

A great message doesn’t say what’s popular; a great message makes popular what needs to be said. After Trump’s election, we compiled a handbook for communicators across the progressive movement.

Read Messaging this Moment

Fund Narrative Change

Help us change the conversation with impacted people at the center of the story.


The Gift of Talking About Hard Things


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Annual Report

2022 Annual Report: The Arc of Transformation

Midterm elections, hard-fought victories, new challenges, and the road ahead.

Annual Report

2021 Annual Report: The Power We Carry

We celebrated important policy victories and we grieved our losses, as COVID and systemic racism continued to claim lives and sow hardship among the most vulnerable communities.

Annual Report

2020 Annual Report: Rising With Resilience

We protested. We organized. We voted.