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Community Change Action Calls for Full Inclusion in Stimulus and Health Funding

  • Press Release
  • Inclusive Democracy

Community Change Action Calls for Full Inclusion in Stimulus and Health Funding

Labels Anti-immigrant Exclusion by Congress, President a Threat to Public Health

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congress is negotiating a COVID-19 stimulus package that is not only a slush fund for corporations, insufficient in prioritizing help for working people, it will exclude millions of people because of their immigration status. In response, Lorella Praeli, president of Community Change Action, and Dorian Warren, vice president of Community Change Action issued the following joint statement:

“Exclusion of immigrants during this national public health emergency is not merely a move of stunning heartlessness, but will threaten the lives of all Americans. Public health experts have repeatedly warned that we are all in this together and that our health is only as good as our most vulnerable neighbors. The virus does not discriminate between native born and immigrants, and our solutions to address this pandemic shouldn’t either.

Moral conscience and good public policy should dictate that: 1) Cash payments and expanded Unemployment Insurance must go to all people, including immigrants who pay taxes using an ITIN (Individual Tax Identification Number); 2) COVID-19 testing and care must be free and accessible to all; and, 3) Policies and practices that prevent immigrants from accessing treatment or services should be halted including the public charge rule and enforcement actions.

Immigrants are on the front line of this crisis: Providing care, working in warehouses, harvesting food and providing food and groceries. This virus will impact every single one of us and Congress and Trump and his administration must include everyone in the relief we so badly need. No excuses.”


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