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Community Change Action Engages 4.3 Million Voters in Key Battleground States

  • Press Release
  • Economic Freedom
  • Voter Engagement

Community Change Action Engages 4.3 Million Voters in Key Battleground States

[Nationwide]– By Labor Day weekend, Community Change Action contacted 4.3 million voters in key states through our partners, including Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada and Wisconsin, as part of their national campaign to mobilize infrequent voters, including Black, Latinx, immigrants, women and young people, ahead of the 2020 election. All of the voter turnout work is happening remotely, through social media, text messaging, phone calls and one-on-one conversations.

Community Change Action unveiled Key Change, a new digital resource as a crash course in reaching voters through digital organizing. It includes trainings, templates and more on how to scale up digital organizing efforts that could be the deciding factor in many battleground states as canvassers look to reach the most people while staying safe.

In Arizona, the LUCHA Blue 2020 campaign launched their effort to educate voters on the importance of this election, targeting communities with low voter turnout, releasing a launch video and earning a TV spot. Volunteers in the state have already reached more than 40,000 voters through text messaging.

In Wisconsin, volunteers sent 19,000 text messages to help register voters who were even more motivated after a police shooting in Kenosha to radically shift the direction of this country away from a police state and be a voter for Black lives. We have also added more than 90,000 unregistered voters of color to our mobilization universe who could make up the difference in this battleground state where the margin of victory in 2016 was just 22,000 votes. A six figure TV and radio ad buy targeting Latinx and Spanish speaking voters is being finalized. 

In Nevada, PLAN Action vowed on MSNBC to keep the state blue as more than 600 people joined our volunteer base, committing to turn out  to vote and talk to their friends and family about voting, and already contacting over 7,000 people.

In Michigan, volunteers have sent more than 1.5 million personal text messages to date. Ahead of the primary, they provided critical vote by mail information to over 890,000 voters, contributing to more than 80% of mailed ballots being returned, breaking vote-by-mail records in primary turnout by more than 300,000 votes. 

In Florida, the Florida for All coalition has completed more than 2 million texts and calls. The margin of victory in the 2018 U.S. Senate race was 10,033. We’ll have more than covered that margin by election day through this method alone.

FIRM Action, the largest immigrant rights network in the country, has also engaged pro-immigrant voters in at least 25 Congressional districts in California, Illinois, Maine, New Mexico, New York, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia and Washington. Together, the network will reach millions of pro-immigrant voters this cycle. The target Congressional districts include CA-21, CA-25, CO-03, CO-06, FL-26, IL-03, IL-04, IL-05, IL-06, IL-08, IL-09, IL-10, IL-11, ME-02, NM-02, NV-03, NY-01, NY-02, NY-11, PA-01, PA-07, PA-10, VA-01, VA-02, and WA-03.

The voter contact work in Florida, Minnesota, Nevada and Wisconsin is part of the Win Justice campaign that includes Community Change Action, Planned Parenthood Votes, Color of Change PAC, SEIU, and our local partners and affiliates. 



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