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Community Change Action Statement on Expanded Child Tax Credit in Tax Package Proposal

  • Press Release
  • Economic Freedom

For Immediate Release:

Community Change Action Statement on Expanded Child Tax Credit in Tax Package Proposal

On January 16, 2024, the Republican and Democratic Congressional tax committee Chairs announced a deal on a tax package that includes an expanded Child Tax Credit. Community Change Action Co-President Lorella Praeli said:

“Our children and our economy are counting on Congress to move quickly to pass an enhanced Child Tax Credit that delivers much needed support this tax season. If passed, this  proposal for an enhanced CTC would reach 16 million more children in low-income families in its first year alone.

Since the expanded American Rescue Plan CTC expired at the end of 2021, child poverty has doubled. This proposal would begin to reverse that devastating trend, helping parents afford the basics and provide stability for their families. Too many families, particularly families of color, have been left out of the CTC because they don’t make enough.

Still, Congress needs to do more to make the tax system truly equitable. Ultimately, we should see greater benefits flowing to our families and communities instead of to the wealthy few and corporations.

Our grassroots organizing won us the 2021 CTC expansion that deeply cut poverty and helped us get the credit to the families who needed it the most during the pandemic. We will continue to organize in our communities and work with members of Congress to pass a fully refundable, monthly CTC that’s available for all children who need it, notwithstanding their immigration status.

Direct, flexible cash has been proven to empower workers and families, boost the economy, and bring us closer to racial equity. Time is running out to pass a CTC that would get checks out to families this tax year. Congress must get it done.”

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I currently make less than the poverty threshold and it’s difficult to make ends meet. When I was first diagnosed, I was afraid of the high costs of medications and treatments

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