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Doubling down on hate, Trump bans African immigrants

  • Press Release
  • Inclusive Democracy

Today, the administration announced another expansion to their hateful travel ban, largely impacting African nations. 

Lorella Praeli, president of Community Change Action, issued the following statement in response: 

“Trump’s white supremacist agenda knows no bounds. The administration is aggressively reshaping our immigration system by dramatically choking off legal pathways to the United States. Three years after the Muslim ban, Trump is broadening its scope and especially targeting African immigrants from entering the country. The news comes on the heels of the Supreme Court’s decision to affirm Trump’s racial wealth test, making it harder for vulnerable communities to access needed resources. 

We will continue to expose the motives driving this administration’s approach to immigration by fighting for the America we believe in. We are building a powerful movement led by Black and brown immigrants, and mobilizing voters to the polls to create a country where all of us can thrive.”

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