Latest Presidential Proposal Reflects Power of Our Child Care Movement
In response to U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders’ Plan to Roll Out Ambitious Plan For Free, Universal Child Care, the following is a statement from Wendoly Marte, Director of Economic Justice for Community Change Action:
“The latest proposal from a Presidential candidate on early childhood education reflects the power of our child care movement as leaders in shaping the economic agenda for America’s families. Spearheaded by parents, providers and educators, particularly Black and Brown women, our grassroots movement empowers parents and their families, and candidates are taking note with proposals that push for structural changes to care for our children and the workers who care for them.
“Sanders’ plan would make child care and pre-Kindergarten available with no tuition or fees to every child regardless of where they live. It would make care more affordable for those who need it most and provide a living wage for the mostly Black and Brown women providers who keep our children safe.
“We are proud of our work at Community Change Action with dozens of community partners throughout the nation to build a grassroots movement for child care. Mothering Justice in Michigan, Parent’s Voices Action in California, New Georgia Project, and SPACEs in Action in Washington, D.C, are among community groups working on the ground with educators, providers, and parents to advance a bold vision for universal child care.
“Bold child care plans, such as those by Sanders and U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren, are examples of the type of comprehensive proposals we need to interrupt generations of racial, gender and socio-economic injustice. We must invest in all families so they can thrive.”
Community Change Action is a national social justice organization that builds the power and capacity of low-income people, especially low-income people of color, to change the policies and institutions that impact their lives.