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More than 300,000 Lives In Jeopardy With 9th Circuit Decision

  • Press Release
  • Inclusive Democracy

More than 300,000 Lives In Jeopardy With 9th Circuit Decision 

TPS holders, who are long term members of our communities may lose status 

Today the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals issued a ruling that permits Trump’s cruel termination of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for longtime U.S. residents from El Salvador, Haiti, Nicaragua and Sudan to proceed.

Lorella Praeli, President of Community Change Action, said: 

“This devastating decision will jeopardize the lives of approximately 300,000 longtime U.S. residents from El Salvador, Haiti, Nicaragua and Sudan, and their families, including hundreds of thousands of school-age children. They will now face potential deportation, and their families torn apart. Temporary Protected Status was created by Congress  to support immigrants whose home countries face serious turmoil. The people affected by this decision are our neighbors who have worked hard to provide for their families, bought homes here, started businesses, and are integral to the fabric of our nation. The next president must introduce a bill on Day One to legalize TPS holders, Dreamers, essential workers, and all the other immigrants who are part of the American family.

Today’s decision is yet another reminder that we must elect leaders who will fight for and uphold our values of unity and freedom. Immigrant voters will decide this election and send a clear message that Trump’s anti-immigrant agenda is a betrayal of the promise of America.”

Sulma Arias, Immigrant Rights Director at Community Change Action, added:

“I had the opportunity to build my life here, raise a family and contribute to the country I call home because of TPS. When I was able to adjust my status, I did that because I love this country. The decision to take the opportunity and protection that TPS provides away from 300,000 people is heartbreaking and disappointing. On November 3rd, I’m voting for my friends and family members who will be directly affected by this decision. I will be voting to ensure we build a country where we can all thrive and live without fear.”


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