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New Community Change Action Film Released on Election Day Depicts One Family’s Determination to Be Counted

  • Press Release
  • Inclusive Democracy

New Community Change Action Film Released on Election Day Depicts One Family’s Determination to Be Counted

(Washington, D.C.) – Community Change Action has stepped towards an imaginative form of filmmaking to rally and catalyze voters, especially voters of color, in a pivotal election season with the short film “The Way Home.” 

The film, released on Election Day 2020, was produced with Community Change Action by the Georgia-based, award-winning writer, producer and director Yasmin Neal. Through the lens of Neal’s artistry, we created a visual story where our organizers, partners and families can see themselves on screen in a story that celebrates our collective grit, hope and interconnectivity. It features a Black family pulling together in order to ensure that their voices are counted. But will it be enough? The characters in the film are composites of the people we recognize and relate to.

“I enjoy telling stories on subject matters that aren’t always highlighted in cinema. There aren’t enough visuals that show complex American families dealing with the realities of life while trying to be engaged citizens in the political process. All types of storytelling are needed in the world today that encourage people to keep going, come together and overcome obstacles to getting engaged in making a change,” says producer and director Yasmin Neal.

The film is an energizing reminder of how far we can go when we pull together, and do our part — even in the stressful and high stakes environment of an election season. 

“We know the work isn’t over after all the votes are counted, so we will continue to use this film as a tool to invite disenfranchised voters to join us in protesting, organizing, and winning the future where all of our families can thrive. Aesthetically, the film is captured beautifully, and Neal’s mastery of building suspense is palpable right to the end,” said Cristina Rayas, multimedia producer at Community Change Action.

You can view a teaser for the film here:

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