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Our Families Need COVID-19 Relief Now, Pass Heroes 2.0

  • Press Release
  • Economic Freedom
  • Inclusive Democracy
  • Voter Engagement

Our Families Need COVID-19 Relief Now, Pass Heroes 2.0

The House voted on Thursday on an updated Heroes Act. The $2.2 trillion coronavirus relief package will bring much needed relief to millions of people struggling to survive the pandemic. Lorella Praeli, Community Change Action President, said the following in response: 

“Latinx, immigrant, and Black people are disproportionately impacted by this pandemic. Not only are we dying at a higher rate, we are also struggling to take care of our families, keep a roof over our heads, and put food on the table. Republicans’ willful disregard for our communities and their insistence on putting politics over science have already claimed more than 200,000 lives. An entire generation of people left grieving their loved ones.

The updated Heroes Act proposed by House Democrats will include relief for many immigrant workers and families, regardless of their immigration status. Heroes Act 2.0 will expand unemployment benefits, provide direct cash payments, and honor the heroes who risk their lives to keep us safe. The additional $57 billion for child care is a much-needed improvement to support families everywhere. More resources for healthcare and free coronavirus testing will help everyone get the care they need to stay healthy.

Heroes 2.0 is a step forward that will bring relief to many, including those excluded in the Republican relief proposals. Our safety and health are dependent on that of our neighbors, friends and families. We don’t have time to waste. The election is just 33 days away. Our families will make sure that Republicans who blocked relief will be out of a job.”



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