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State of the Union: In Desperate Need of Turning the Page on Trumpism

  • Press Release
  • Inclusive Democracy

Washington, D.C.—President Trump’s State of the Union speech tonight comes after he subjected the nation to the longest government shutdown in American history, holding workers and the nation hostage to his white nationalist agenda. America thirsts not only for a more inclusive vision of our future but one in which everyone has a chance to thrive.

The following statement is from Community Change Action President Dorian Warren:

“Donald Trump will say anything to change his public persona in the face of declining poll numbers. In the two years he has been in office, he has failed to represent the interests of all Americans. Trump and some in his party have recently claimed that Trump was ‘chosen’ to lead the nation to a brighter future, but we know the facts: A president who embraces and promotes racism and white supremacy will never usher in the kind of bold new agenda that includes all Americans, no matter how much money they make, the color of their skin or the country where they were born.

Instead of Trump representing the interests of his xenophobic base, we call for fair and inclusive immigration policies that keep all families safe and permanent solutions for DREAMers, TPS holders and the 11 million undocumented people contributing to our society.

Instead of Trump supporting the interests of the wealthy few, we support ideas that make childcare more affordable for parents struggling to get by and more accessible to the increasing number who work nontraditional hours. He would consider expanding the Earned Income Tax Credit so that Americans who did not reap the benefits of last year’s tax cut would have a little more money in their pockets to get ahead.

Americans need a president who will promote visionary ideas to end poverty, provide income supports for those who need it most and embrace our diversity with practical solutions to a broken immigration system that tears families apart.”


Community Change Action is a national social justice organization that builds the power of low-income people, especially people of color, to fight for a society where everyone can thrive.


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