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Trump Scapegoats Immigrants Again to Deflect from Failed Crisis Response

  • Press Release
  • Economic Freedom
  • Inclusive Democracy

Trump Scapegoats Immigrants Again to Deflect from Failed Crisis Response

Last night, Trump announced via Twitter a forthcoming Executive Order to suspend immigration into the U.S. because of COVID-19.

Lorella Praeli, President of Community Change Action, said the following: 

“In an effort to distract the nation from his failure to lead during this public health and economic crisis, and to further advance his anti-immigrant agenda, Trump has returned to his old playbook: scapegoat immigrants, deflect accountability, and sow division to mobilize his base.

Instead of taking swift action to address massive layoffs, food and housing insecurity, and to ensure that frontline workers have personal protective equipment, the Trump administration continues to systematically dismantle our immigration system and bail out corporations, all while the United States leads the world in coronavirus-related deaths.

This fight is about all of us. Immigrants are on the frontlines, risking their lives to provide us with healthcare, ensure we have food to eat, and risk their health performing necessary jobs like janitorial and care services to keep our economy running. We are at our best when we come together and denounce hate and racism. We must come together to build a country that honors everyone’s dignity.

We will keep fighting to win in November since we are reminded every day how much leadership matters.”


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