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Vote NO on House Republicans’ Budget Resolution

  • Press Release
  • Economic Freedom
  • Inclusive Democracy

Vote NO on House Republicans’ Budget Resolution

Soon, the U.S. House of Representatives will hold a floor vote on its budget resolution, H. Con. Res. 14, which sets in motion a process to cut programs that ordinary people depend on—like Medicaid by at least $880 billion and SNAP by at least $230 billion—to pay for major tax cuts for the wealthy and big businesses and increased spending on immigration enforcement and mass deportation. 

In response, Community Change Action Co-President Dorian Warren issued the following statement: 

“Every single Member of Congress who backs the reckless Republican House budget resolution should be utterly ashamed. Each vote to advance their cruel, rushed budget is a vote to strip life-saving services, grocery money, and access to healthcare from the most vulnerable people, including their constituents. And, in exchange for what? To line the pockets of their billionaire friends and make life more expensive for everyone else. 

“We’ve spent weeks listening to people share their stories of the impact the Republican cuts to Medicaid and SNAP would have on their lives. The impact of these votes is deeper than funding a reckless political agenda—it is inhumane and heartless. People like Cynthia in Georgia who is a 64-year-old woman who is disabled, and every month has to decide between eating or paying the electric bill and has learned to miss meals to make her little income stretch a little further. Margaret in Colorado would not be able to get any medical care if it weren’t for Medicaid. And Bradley, a veteran in Oregon who needs SNAP benefits to buy groceries. 

“We urge Members to vote no on the House budget resolution. As rising costs overwhelm families, our representatives should focus on passing a budget that helps families to fill their fridges, afford everyday necessities, and see the doctor. Just last week, our advocates sent tens of thousands of emails and flooded the phone lines to remind them that they represent all the people in their states and not just a single man (or two) in the Oval Office.” 

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